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The environmental protection acceptance results of the overall relocation construction project of pigment production equipment (phase ii) and the reconstruction project with an annual output of 2300 tons of plastic additives, 2500 tons of pigment intermediates and 1000 tons of pigmented products are publicized.

On October 26, 2023, Penglai Xinguang Pigment Chemical Co., Ltd. established an acceptance team in Penglai City, the "Environmental Protection Acceptance Monitoring (Investigation) Report on the Completion of the Overall Relocation Construction Project (Phase II) of Pigment Production Equipment of Penglai Xinguang Pigment Chemical Co., Ltd." and the "Environmental Protection Acceptance Monitoring (Investigation) Report on the Completion of 2000 Tons of Plastic Aid, 2500 Tons of Pigment Intermediate and 1000 Tons of Pigment Product Reconstruction Project of Penglai Xinguang Pigment Chemical Co., Ltd.





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